Occasionally, the Nerdly Multi-company Automation will get hung up on a configuration issue. Administrators and persons with access to the script logs can see some of the error logs associated with vendor bills.

The script logs are found at the script record. To get to the script record, navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts. Then use the filter at the top of the screen to find scripts for the file "nmca_generate_trans_mr.js" Then click the "View" link next to the "NMCA | Create and Link Transactions | MR" script.


To help with reading script logs, we recommend that you install the chrome extension "NetSuite: HTML Script Notes" by David Smith (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netsuite-html-script-note/lipldhgjkmfhamocfcdijcdgjcikcbkk). This is provided by a third party, and we can't guarantee that it won't cause you problems, but we've successfully used it for the past several years.

Allowing Restarts

The current version of the NMCA bundle prevents you from editing the status of the "Currently Processing" status field on the transaction screens. You can modify that setting from Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Fields. 

Click on the link for the "Currently Processing NMCA?" field (script ID = custbody_nrd_currently_processing) and navigate to the Display Tab. Change the Display Type from "Inline Text" to "Normal."

Once this is done, then you can simply edit the bill, uncheck the "Currently Processing NMCA" on the System Information tab of the transaction and re-save to restart the process.


You might see an error with a message something like: "You have entered an Invalid Field Value XX for the following field: XXXX"

This is likely caused by an account, department, class, or location not being available to all the subsidiaries involved in the transaction. For example, if the Location "Central AP Processing" is not available in the subsidiary receiving the expense, you will have to remove the location from the original vendor bill.


Make sure that the NetSuite roles of the person using the NMCA have at least view access to the following records:

  • Journal Entries (for the intercompany JEs), 
  • Customers, 
  • Vendors, 
  • Subsidiaries, and 
  • Segments (Class/Department/Location).